Mahamni Neko Ashi Dachi
Side Facing Cat Leg Stance There is 2.5 foots distance between your heels, lengthwise, and your heels meet at the same line width-wise (there is no width). The back foot is turned 112.5 degrees and flat, while the front foot is straight with the heel raised slightly. Both knees are pressing outward, and the body…
Shiko Dachi
Four Point Stance also called Side Stance, Outward Stance The heels are 1.5 times the width of the shoulders, side-by-side and are turned out with 45 degrees between them (21.5 degrees on each foot), with the knees pushing away from each other and the weight evenly distributed between your feet.
Shomen Neko Ashi Dachi
Front Facing Cat Leg Stance There is 1 foots’ distance between your heels, lengthwise, and no width between the inside of your heels. The back foot is turned 22.5 degrees and flat, while the front foot is straight with the heel raised slightly. Both knees are pressing outward, and the body is straight forward. Your…
I Budokwai kör vi ofta fys i tabata-form. Det är en träningsform som gör att folk med väldigt olik fysik ändå kan träna tillsammans samtidigt och alltid få en rejäl träningsdos. Träningen sker genom att man upprepar en viss övning 20 sekunder, vilar 10 och upprepar detta totalt fyra gånger. Oftast sätter man ihop flera…
8:e kyu/mon
Uppvärmning dachi Musubi dachiShizenhontai (Yoi dachi)Hidari/migi (hamni) gamae Kihon waza Junzuki (m)Gyakuzuki (m)GedanbaraiMaegeri Kata Taikyoku shodan (endast de första 8:a teknikerna på mon-grad) HOJO UNDO Tabata 6 min; Armhävningar, situps, planka (m) Renraku waZA #1 Kizamizuki, gyakuzuki (m)#2 Kizamizuki, gyakuzuki-taisabaki (m)#3 Kizamizuki, gyakuzuki, kizamizuki taisabaki (m)#4 Maegeri, kizamizuki, gyakuzuki#5 Maegeri, kizamizuki, gyakuzuki taisabaki Kumite waza…
Kyokushin kihon/rentaku drills
https://www.facebook.com/share/r/55HvVzLkbnDA9Yh2/?mibextid=UalRPS Kizami kagezuki sidestep, gyaku kagezuki sidestep, backa kizamizuki, gyakuzuki Surikomi maegeri, surikomi bakåt maegeri, sokutogeri sidan, sokutogeri sidan
Kushanku/chinto dubbelspark
Fotarbete ashi sabaki